10 Small Business Ideas with Low Investment in Nepal

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  • 9 minutes read
  • Are you also thinking of starting a small business with low investment in Nepal? Here in this article, we’ve shared details information and the 10 best small business ideas that require a little amount of capital.

    Starting your own business has never been easier. Also, in the least developed country like Nepal, starting a successful business is still a hard choice to make. However, many small businesses had to get great success in their sector. In this present time of digitization, many Nepalese youths are coming up with different business ideas. They came up with new ideas, tricks, and technology to start and run a business. Eventually, most of these existing businesses get failed after a certain time due to a lack of proper investment and a great marketplace.

    However, starting a small-scale business with low investment seemed to be the best solution in Nepal. If the small business goes profitable you can easily turn that business into a larger one by increasing the investment. Similarly, every other person who wants to start a new business at this time should learn about new technologies and digital platforms. Taking your small business online surely helps you to expand and grow your business audiences.

    Here, we’ve listed 10 small business ideas that needed low investment and have had a great success rate in some years:

    10 Best Low-Investment Business Ideas in Nepal

    Small Business Ideas in Nepal
    Small Business Ideas in Nepal

    By observing the present time and the need of people, businesses with different styles are getting profitable. Nepalese startup businesses with a great niche and strong online background have more success rate than any other kind of business. Some of the unique and small business ideas that required low investment in Nepal are listed below:

    1) Start a Pet Business

    The pet industry in Nepal is so small that you can grab a big opportunity to get success in it. In Nepal, this business has a huge unseen demand. Plenty of peoples wants to get pet or pet products in Nepal. Also, the global worth of pet industry is worth more than $100 billion at present time. No doubt, this small-scale business is worth starting.

    All you need is one good place to store all the necessary things for this business. You require some different breeds of demanding pets (Dogs, Cats, Rabbits, etc.), and pet products (Pet foods, Pet accessories, etc.). You can also start marketing your business through various social media like Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, or even from your websites. There is a huge possibility for this business and it also doesn’t need a high investment like in crores.

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    2) Design and Sell Print-On-Demand

    If you don’t know a huge number of people like to get their things online. And we’ve seen some of the designing and printing businesses gain a lot of profit using online platforms in Nepal. Unlike any other business that requires more out-market knowledge, this business focus on making customized products with your designs. You can create something original and sell it to the customers.

    You can make your canvas in T-shirts, Phone cases, Tote bags, Hoodies, Hats, and many more. You can also customize designs according to the customer’s demand and print them on things. There is a lot of creativity that you can throw into this business. It has a high chance of getting success with more customer satisfaction.

    You can also hire a freelance designer if you don’t know about designing. All you need is a small place to operate a business with a printing machine, it also can be home-based. Then you need a strong online platform like Instagram, Facebook, Website, and Tiktok. Surely, this small business has a high chance of getting success in Nepal with low investment.

    Note: You can use mockup templates before confirming any order for reducing expenditures.

    3) Online Fashion Boutique

    The online fashion boutique is also coming one of the very successful businesses in Nepal at present time. As more and more people used online platforms to purchase their clothes, shoes, accessories, and many more.  This can be the best time to start an online fashion boutique in the Nepali market.

    The online fashion e-commerce market is growing massively and has more than $700 billion in value in the global market. While seeing this tremendous growth in this industry few have started this business in Nepal and they are getting a good response in return.

    Now it’s your chance to get involved in this industry and launch an amazing Online fashion boutique business. While seeing a great chance in the Nepali market, surely you will get massive success in it.

    4) Photography and Videography

    If you’re one with good photography or videography skill. You can easily start a photography and videography business. You will need good gadgets like a camera, lens, lights, and a good computer to initialize this business. From doing paid photoshoots and video shoots in places like weeding, programs, and seminars you can also sell your stock photos online. This seems a more hardworking business but it is promising when giving a good return.

    Likewise, for other businesses, a good online portfolio is required to get good clients and customers. If the business going profitable you can hire some team members and expand the business professionally. This business is forever in demand in Nepal and you can have a good chance of starting it. The average investment is required in the initial phase of business while buying gear. No matter of time, you can have your investment return.

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    5) Create a Digital Products or Online Courses

    If you are one with good technical knowledge and passion for something. You can turn it into a business with a low amount of investment. By creating digital products like music, podcasts, templates, designs, and online courses this can be converted into a great business. Unlike any other business, these products are not tangible and don’t require huge investments.

    The first thing is figuring out what motivates you to create good digital products. Which can be useful enough that people feel happy to buy or download it. If you’ve any good skill or talent that can be turned into a good digital product. There is a no-stop in packaging this product and turning it into a new income source.

    This business is already been running by many Nepali businessmen and no doubt they are getting a lot of profit from it. Give this business some focused time and a hundred percent it will gain success. And also it is the best small business with low investment in Nepal.

    6) Sell Handcrafted and Homemade Goods

    If you are some kind of maker like making art, gifts, candles, and accessories then you are in a great position to launch a small business idea with a low budget. This kind of business is getting a lot of recognition at present because people love to get themself some kind of handmade product.

    Unlike any other business on the list, you will require good shipping and inventory management. In the case of Nepal, you can use logistics for a small number of orders. There are plenty of logistic companies, find one that suits your business level. This business has a really good scope in the Nepali market and if good marketing is done then there’s a good chance of getting great profit.

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    7) Advertising Agency

    If you want to make a good profitable business with a small investment then advertising other small businesses might get you there. With this business, you can advertise various other small businesses and companies. You can use all your good marketing skills and experience in advertising other businesses. Eventually, you can get proper paying in this business from different clients for managing their advertisements.

    All the above-mentioned business needs some kind of help from these advertising agencies. So, there is a lot of chance of success in this business. Using your advertising, marketing, and public relation skill helps you to build good advertising campaigns for clients. You can simply help others to reach their targeted audiences and market which helps you to expand your business.

    In the scenario of Nepal, the Advertising agency business doesn’t require a lot of investment in starting phase. Good marketing skill is compulsory to run this business successfully.

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    8) Delivery Services

    As increasing online eCommerce businesses in Nepal. A good and reliable delivery system is always on a need. There is a high possibility of getting success in delivery services at this time in Nepal. There is no need for huge investment and equipment to launch a small-scale delivery or a courier service in Nepal. This business offers you, countless potential customers.

    Starting from a small scale, all you need is a few delivery vehicles (Bikes or Vans), one dolly, and a set of ratchet straps to make safe cargo. With all this, you’ll also need a separate cell phone for customer service and business-related calls. Make your business online-based as much as possible and also rent a small office to operate. You can be someone’s delivery service partner and make a good partnership/agreement with them.

    The delivery service business has a huge possibility in Nepal. However, it requires an average budget in the initial phase but soon as the business start taking flight you will get a good profit in return.

    9) Tuition/Coaching Classes

    Yes, business-related education always remains one of the most successful in the Nepali market. Even if you remain talented in your class but there is one subject that bothers you every time. So, for this thing joining a good tuition or coaching classes for certain subject seems always helpful for students. Also, in the case of Nepal, there are many coaching classes and still, there is a need for another one in every other area.

    If you have a small budget, then launching tuition or coaching classes can be the best way to start a good business with low investment. All you need is a place or room, chairs, a board, some markers, a duster, and good teaching knowledge. You can teach various subjects to different school students which is not so hard to do, right?

    In addition, if you know any foreign language like Japanese, French, German, etc. then you can expand your business easily. After getting some good returns in some time you can easily hire a few more freelance teachers to cover up some sections. No doubt, this small business has some great potential in Nepal and it also doesn’t require a huge amount of investment.

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    10) Cooking Classes

    Cooking classes are another small-scale business idea that can be launched with a small investment. From the popularity of cooking shows like MasterChef, a huge number of peoples wants to learn various unique dishes.  It requires low investment and can give a good return. There is also the chance of making double earnings by making different cooking videos and putting them on various social media.

    To launch this business, all you need is a good kitchen set up with cooking equipment, some raw materials, ingredients, and the allied infrastructure. Anyone who has a cooking passion and then believes in the potential of the cooking business can achieve success in it. Yes, it will beneficial to take good marketing help from some marketing agencies.

    Some other Small Businesses ideas with low Investment

    • Business Consultant
    • Travel Agency
    • A Media Company
    • Stationery or Photocopy store
    • Beauty of Cosmetic shops
    • Mobile sales or Repair store
    • Event Management

    Tips for Choosing the Best Business Idea

    Tips for small business ideas with low investment
    Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

    There are some things you may want to consider before selecting one of the above ideas and launching it. Some tips for choosing the best business idea that suits you are:

    1. Focus on a Niche Market
    2. Select good pricing for more profit
    3. Consistently test, learn and grow as you go

    ALSO READ, 10 Ways To Find Investors For Small Business

    In Conclusion

    We know that you are capable of starting any of these small businesses that require low investment. Choose a business wisely that matches your passion and gives you a good return. Never stop to come up with new and creative ideas, keep brainstorming, and try to raise funds/investment as you grow.

    With the help of technology, third-party suppliers, and logistics many small business ideas can come to life. With all this approach, you can always test these ideas before you invest in them. Today’s world of self-employment can be challenging, but with some consistency and little hard work, you can make this happen.